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Showing posts with label juice recipe. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

January 04, 2019

3 health fruits juice

juice recipe,

Apple Juice

Ingredients :-

  • Apple
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya

Recipe :-
Its preparation does not entail any difficulty,you must wash the ingredients correctly,remove the crust,chop into small pieces to add to the blender,beat until obtaining a homogeneous mixture , serve in a long glass and enjoy.
juice recipe,

Ttrawberry juice

Ingredients :-

  • Tangerine
  • raspberry
  • strawberry
  • pear

Recipe :-
to prepare this juice you must first squeeze the juice of several mandarins until you get 2 glasses,the you must wash the other ingredients correctly and add next to the mandarin juice in the blender,mix until obtaining a uniform mixture,serve and enjoy

juice recipe,

Cucumber juice

Ingredients :-

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 orange

Recipe :-
its preparation is simple ,you must have all ingredients correctly washed and peeled to add to the blender,in case the orange should be squeezed and added with water to liquefy until you get a homogeneous mixture,you can add a little honey,serve and enjoy.

Benefits of eating garlic in the morning Visit Now
January 04, 2019

natural juice to reduce the waist

natural juice to reduce the waist

natural juice to reduce the waist

Ingredients :-

  • papaya
  • pineapple 
  • tamarind

Recipe :-
to prepare this juice,you must first peel all the fruits,remove the outer layer of the fruit and then cut into small pieces,add in the blender with water and beat until obtaining a homogeneous mixture,remember to remove the seeds or beat with the seeds you should strain the mixture , serve and enjoy